July 18 2002 (SSC21, -36) ICME, CMEH29
18 July 2002: 07:29-07:44 UT: Upper row : Burst frequency range: 2000 MHz -<1MHz. 07:44 UT: onset of a type II like burst at 1000 MHz, observed later by WIND/Waves (07:55-08:45 UT). Middle row: # 08:00 UT: onset of a well-developed continuum in the 270-45 MHz frequency range (Izmiran). Lower row: two close radio sources observed by the NRH (NRH Onset time: 08:30 UT) ; these sources are located at the vicinity of the EIT source and below a CME (CMEH29 onset 08:06 UT, poor coverage).
This event shares the following chracteristics: Type IV (A-B), Type II.