27 May (SSC18, -13) ICME, CMEP26
27 May 2002: This event is associated with a CME (CMEP26: <13:27:18 UT PA 49 (deg) Width >161 (deg), V 1106, 1122, 1124 Km/s); (no SOHO observation between 12:50 UT and 13:27 UT); onset of the EIT source at 12:23 UT. Two successive and distinct sources are detected with the NRH, both at 432 MHz and 164 MHz (No imaging observation above 432 MHz). Each source trajectory is inclined along an eastward direction and is associated with a distinct bright elongated eruptive structure well identified in white light by the SOHO/LASCO coronagraph. These two eruptive structures encounter the CME (see the two CME images, right panel); a strong shock is observed on the CME front (see left panel). A weak type II burst is visible in the daily observations from the WIND/Waves radiospectrograph (Note that this type II burst was indeed reported in the WIND/Waves type II bursts and CMEs list (https://cdaw.gsfc.nasa.gov/CME_list/radio/waves_type2.html) and not in the type II and IV radio bursts list (https://ssed.gsfc.nasa.gov/waves/bursts_2002.html). There was no Nançay DAM observation at this time.
This event is associated with a shock detected at L1.