
   April 15 2002 (SSC09, -127) MC, CMEN13




15 April 02:30 UT One  distinguish, in microwave wavelengths, the onset of two bursts;  the first one (02:30 -03:30 UT), detected  conjointly by Learmonth, Hiraiso and WIND/Waves,  covers a broad frequency range (4995 MHz-1MHz); the second one (02:30-04:00 UT) drifts in frequency up to roughly 100 MHz.  04 to 07 UT:  Continuum which covers a 50-200 Frequency range (Hiraiso).  04:15 UT: Onset of a type II burst (11-1.5MHz). This event is associated with a CME ( CMEN13 03:06:05 PA 260 (deg), Width 54 (deg), V 720, 742, 731 km s−1).

This event shares the following characteristics:  Type IV (A-B), Type II