May 16 2002 (SSC14,-58) MC, CMEH20
May 16 2002 03:00-03:30 UT: Microwave emission drifting toward lower frequencies ( # 03:15 UT: peak frequency at 2.6 GHz ). # 01:00 UT: Onset of a dm-m emission (HIRAISO), also detected by WIND/Waves ( type IV burst 02:50-05:45 UT). 01:50-03:30 UT: Type II burst, intermittent tones. 01:50-03:30 UT: Type II burst, intermittent tones. This event is associated with a CME (CMEH20 May 16, 360 (deg) 00:50 UT, V 600, 506, 567 km/s).
This event shares the following characteristics: WIND/WAves Type II and a type IV burst (A-B); the type IV burst is also observed by HIRAISO.