May 17 2002 (SSC15, -36) ICME, CMEN22 
17 May 2002: 07:38 UT: Onset of a microwave burst (A) which drifts towards lower frequencies and stops abrutly its development at 08:00 UT. This disappearance could be attributed to the encounter between the coronal structure, site of the microwave burst, and a CME (CMEN22: 08:06 UT PA 61 (deg), Width 92 (deg), V 665 616 575 km/s). The signature of this encounter is the onset of a short duration radio burst observed at discrete frequencies (between roughly 800 MHz and hectometer wave-lengths) .
This event shares the following characteristics: Microwave burst (A) drifting in frequency; sudden stop as inferred from radio observations, presumably after its encounter with a coronal obstacle.