April 17 2002 (SSC10, -149) MC, CMEH15
17 April 08:00-08:15 UT: Impulsive radio burst detected at micro-wavelengths (A) (Phoenix, 4GHz to below 1 GHz). 08:30 UT: Onset of a continuum (B) 1GHz-10 MHz, observed until roughly 12:00 UT (Phoenix, Potsdam, Artemis). 08:30 UT to April 19 04:00 UT: Detection of a type II burst (WIND/Waves). This event is associated with a CME at 08:26 UT (CMEH15, V 1240, 1103, 1198 km/s>).
This event looks like a typical type II/IV burst and shares the following characteristics: A-B (Type IV), Type II.