Titre | Télescope | Type | Rôle |
Jupiter System | JWST | ERS | Science Team |
Are the Enceladus geysers the source of Saturn’s water ? | ALMA | Cycle 5 | PI |
Constraining Jupiter’s atmospheric chemistry and dynamics from H2O mapping in ALMA band 5 | ALMA | Cycle 5 | PI |
The first direct measurement of Saturn’s stratospheric winds | ALMA | Cycle 5 | Co-I |
Constraining the internal and external sources of CO in Saturn’s atmosphere | IRTF | Standard | Co-I |
Constraining Jupiter’s atmospheric chemistry and dynamics from post-SL9 species mapping | ALMA | Cycle 4 | PI |
HCN emission: a diagnostic of Enceladus cryovolcanic activity and torus dynamics | ALMA | Cycle 2 | Co-I |
Probing the vertical structure of Saturn’s storm with ALMA | ALMA | Cycle 0 | PI |
Water and related chemistry in the Solar System | Herschel | Guaranteed Time
Key Program |
Associate Scientist |
Probing the temperature and chemistry of Saturn’s storm with Herschel | Herschel | Open Time | PI |
Probing the Enceladus torus with Herschel | Herschel | Open Time | Co-I |
Variability in Ice Giant Stratospheres: Implications for Radiative, Chemical and Dynamical Processes | Herschel | Open Time | Co-I |
The spatial distribution of CO in Saturn | SMA | Standard | PI |
Observation of an equatorial jet in the atmosphere of Jupiter | IRAM-30m | Standard | PI |
The origin of CO in Saturn’s atmosphere | VLT | Short Program | Co-I |
Jupiter’s stratospheric HCN, hydrocarbon and temperature fields | SOFIA | Cycle 3 | Co-I |
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