Programmes d’observation en cours

Titre Télescope Type Rôle
Jupiter System JWST ERS Science Team
Are the Enceladus geysers the source of Saturn’s water ? ALMA Cycle 5 PI
Constraining Jupiter’s atmospheric chemistry and dynamics from H2O mapping in ALMA band 5 ALMA Cycle 5 PI
The first direct measurement of Saturn’s stratospheric winds ALMA Cycle 5 Co-I
Constraining the internal and external sources of CO in Saturn’s atmosphere IRTF Standard Co-I
Constraining Jupiter’s atmospheric chemistry and dynamics from post-SL9 species mapping ALMA Cycle 4 PI
HCN emission: a diagnostic of Enceladus cryovolcanic activity and torus dynamics ALMA Cycle 2 Co-I
Probing the vertical structure of Saturn’s storm with ALMA ALMA Cycle 0 PI
Water and related chemistry in the Solar System Herschel Guaranteed Time

Key Program

Associate Scientist
Probing the temperature and chemistry of Saturn’s storm with Herschel Herschel Open Time PI
Probing the Enceladus torus with Herschel Herschel Open Time Co-I
Variability in Ice Giant Stratospheres: Implications for Radiative, Chemical and Dynamical Processes Herschel Open Time Co-I
The spatial distribution of CO in Saturn SMA Standard PI
Observation of an equatorial jet in the atmosphere of Jupiter IRAM-30m Standard PI
The origin of CO in Saturn’s atmosphere VLT Short Program Co-I
Jupiter’s stratospheric HCN, hydrocarbon and temperature fields SOFIA Cycle 3 Co-I

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