AIPS Workshop #1 Numerical codes for stellar physics



We are pleased to announce a workshop on « Codes and Stellar Physics » that will take
place from 27 to 1 July 2022 at the Jules Janssen Conference Centre of the Paris

Pushed by new computational resources and recent developments in modelling, codes
become increasingly important in stellar physics. More and more complex and
sophisticated codes appear allowing a very large number of physical effects to be taken
into account. Nevertheless, each code has its own specificities, capabilities and limitations and must be used wisely. Having available codes to the community is another major challenge in their development. In an international context where the trend is towards a strong structuring around highly supported public codes, it seems desirable to us to carry out a reflection within the French community to see how to increase the visibility of French codes.

The objective of this workshop is twofold:
• On the one hand, it is to promote and support the use of public codes developed at least in part in France. Four codes in particular will be presented: CESTAM, ESTER, MAGIC and RAMSES. Developers and users will present the equations and numerical methods of interest, as well as interesting results from these codes. There will also be hands-on sessions with experienced users to help participants to run these codes and to solve any technical problems. Other codes will be presented in a shorter format.
• On the other hand, discussions will be held to try to build a better structuring of the
French community for the development of French codes. We therefore encourage the Stellar Physics community to come and participate to this workshop dedicated to PhD students, young researchers or more experienced ones. To register, to ask for financial support, or to propose a contribution, please send us an e-mail (here) before April 22nd 2022. We will give the opportunity for other projects to be presented. You can contribute to the success of this workshop by submitting an abstract to present another code or recent results. It is desirable that a wide range of topics linked to Stellar physics will be presented and we will select, in particular, those topics that seem to be most useful for our discussions on the strategy for developing French codes at the international level.

This workshop is supported by the Action Incitative de Physique Stellaire (AIPS) of Paris Observatory, the Jules Janssen conference centre and the Programme National de Physique Stellaire (PNPS).

Invited speakers:

B. Commerçon, M. Rieutord, L. Petitdemange, R. Raynaud, J. P. Marques, Y. Lebreton, M. Deal, L. Manchon, R-M. Ouazzani, A. Lazzarotto, C. Pinçon, Ugo Lebreuilly.

Science Organising Committee:

Ludovic Petitdemange (co-chair), Sébastien Deheuvels (co-chair), Kévin Belkacem, Rhita-Maria Ouazzani, Orlagh Creevey, Joao Pedro Marques, Franck Delahaye