
The generation of a given simulation requires the edition of a configuration file in YAML format. The parameters involved in the configuration file are explained here . An example named psms.yaml is also provided in the package.

To execute PSLS, type: -P -V psls.yaml

The option -V makes the program verbose while the option -P generates some plots (the option – -extended-plots  generates additional plots).

As output, the program generates the simulated light-curve in an ASCII file named <ID>.dat, where  ID is the star ID (an arbitrary number defined in the configuration file).

By default a single light-curve obtained by averaging over all the cameras is generated. However, with the option -m, the program  averages the  light-curves from the same group of camera and merges (interlace)  them together,  while with the option -f the program returns the individual  light-curves merged (interlaced) together.

Below are all available options:

  • -v : print program version
  • -P : do some plots
  • –pdf : the plots are saved as PDF otherwise as PNG (default)
  • -V : verbose mode
  • -f : save the LC associated with each individual camera, otherwise average over all the cameras (this is the default choice)
  • -m : save the merged LC: LC from the same group of camera are averaged and then averaged LC are merged(/interlaced)
  • -o <path> : output directory (the working directory is by default assumed)
  • -M <number> : number of Monte-Carlo simulations performed (not yet operational)
  • –extended-plots : an extended set of plots are displayed (activates automatically the -P option)
  • –psd: save the PSD associated with the averaged light-curve (averaged over all cameras)
  • –hdf5: save in a HDF5 file the mean light-curve (LC) and the various simulation components and data
  • –proto-sas: the data are saved in a HDF5 file and in format compatible with the prototype SAS pipeline

For more information about the simulator, see the following documents:

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