Change history

  • 1.6 (6/01/23): inclusion of a spot model based on Dorren (1987)’s model and implemented by Cilia Damiani ; the mode properties (frequencies, heights and line-widths) can now be specified with an input TEXT file (instead of using a .gsm generated with ADIPLS) ; new configuration file (not any more compatible with the previous versions) ; seed numbers can be controlled independently
  • 1.5 (01/07/22): IMPORTANT bug correction: since version 1.0 a wrong value for the (square) visibility of the l=1 modes was used (0.2 instead of the correct value of 1.5), this bug led to a large underestimation of the amplitude of the l=1 modes.
  • 1.4 (30/08/21): planetary transits are now generated with a vectorized code (credit: Leigh Smith) ; previous V-P relation was not (fully) compliant with Marchirori et al (2019) (bug reported by Leigh Smith), and is now corrected ; solved string compatibility issue when the pulsations are taken from a grid of stellar models
  • 1.3 (18/12/20): New tables for systematic errors are provided. They are now based on simulations made with the Plato Image Simulator (PIS) for 24 cameras. The input files are now stored in appropriated sub-directories. Bug correction: LimbDarkeningCoefficients is now taken into account. For more details see PSLS_v1.3_release_notes.
  • 1.2 (25/05/20): new tables for systematic errors, random noise can vary with mask shapes and with mask updates, mask updates are flagged, and the amplitude of the star drift can be controlled by the parameter DriftLevel. Sytermatic errors representative for the imagette-based lightcurves (PSF fitting method, P1 sample) can now be considered (the previous code versions only consider the systematic error expected on the aperture-based lightcurves i.e. the on-board lightcurves, P5 sample). For more details see the release notes.
  • 1.1 (03/02/20): Some Python3 compatibility issues corrected. New option “-m” to generate merged light-curves, new option “-M” to perform Monte-Carlo simulations
  • 1.0 (05/09/19): Implementation of the V-P color-magnitude relation from Marchiori et al (2019). The option -f saves now each individual light-curves. Oscillations can be turned off. New format for the input file (YAML). PLATO NSR values are now available down to magnitude P=15.6.
  • 0.9 (20/05/19): the NSR table was incorrectly interpolated. V mangitudes ranging between 12 and 13 were affected.
  • 0.85 (23/03/19): minor changes to be make the code fully compatible with python3
  • 0.8 (23/02/19): systematic errors are now modelled and simulated in the time domain. The jumps induced by the quasi-regular mask updates are now included. Version corresponding to the published paper Samadi et al (2019, A&A, 624, 117)
  • 0.7 (10/12/18): inclusion of PLATO systematic errors and random noise as a function of the star V magnitude
  • 0.6: minor problems fixed (missing file, link problem)
  • 0.5: can perform simulation for a given input set of theoretical frequencies (i.e. from a given .gsm file) ; new parameters included in the configuration file .yaml ; various minor improvements
  • 0.4: minor changes
  • 0.3: first working version

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