Configuration file
The parameters in the configuration file are explained below. An example named psms.yaml is also provided in the package.
- Duration : Simulation duration [days]
- MasterSeed : Master seed of the pseudo-random number generator (integer number)
- Sampling : Sampling cadence [s] (nominal value: 25s)
- IntegrationTime : Integration time [s] (nominal value: 21s)
- NGroup : Number of camera groups (1 -> 4)
- NCamera : Number of cameras per group (1 -> 6)
- TimeShift : Time shift between camera groups [s] (nominal value: 6.25s)
- RandomNoise:
- Enable: active [1] or dis-activate [0] the random noise
- Type: type of random noise, either ‘User’ or ‘PLATO_SCALING’ or ‘PLATO_SIMU’.
- ‘User’: the NSR value is specified by the user (see below)
- ‘PLATO_SCALING’: the NSR value is obtained by interpolating, at the given magnitude, the NSR scaling relation expected for PLATO
- ‘PLATO_SIMU’: the NSR is taken from realistic simulated ligth-curves (stored in the systematics error table, see below) and vary with the mask shapes and thus then the latter are updated
- NSR : User-specified Noise to Signal Ratio [ppm in one hour] for a single camera. This value takes into account all random noises but does not include systematic errors.
- Systematics:
- Enable : active [1] or dis-activate [0] the systematic errors
- Table: name of the binary file containing the parameters for the systematic errors
- Version: table version (the latest version is recommended2)
- DriftLevel: Amplitude of the drift. Can be either ‘min’, ‘low’, ‘medium’, ‘high’, ‘max’ or ‘any’. Applicable only for Version>0
Note: When systematic errors are enabled, PSLS picks from the systematic error table the target with magnitude close to the magnitude specified by the user (within a +/- 0.25 around the magnitude specified below by the user) and with a drift amplitude in a given range of amplitude (low: 0-0.4 px/90days, medium: 0.4-0.8 px/90days, and high: >0.8 pix/90days). When several targets fulfil the criteria (magnitude and drift level), PSLS randomly selects one of those.
- Mag : V magnitude (John V magnitude). The V magnitude is converted into the PLATO P magnitude using the star effective temperature following Marchiori et al (2019, A&A)’s Teff-magnitude relation.
- ID : star ID (an arbitrary integer number)
- ModelDir: Directory containing the single models or the grid (parameters and associated theoretical frequencies)
- ModelType: model type, can be either ‘grid’, ‘single’ or ‘UP’
- ModelName: Name of the input model, to be specified when ModelType = ‘single’. The program will then load the corresonding .gsm file generated with ADIPLS.
- ES : Evolutionary status, ‘ms’ for the main-sequence phase, ‘sg’ for the sub-giant phase, ‘rg’ for redgiants (Red Giant Branch or clump stars)
- Teff : Star effective temperature [K]
- Logg : Surface gravity, ignored when ModelType = ‘UP’
- SurfaceRotationPeriod : Surface rotation period [days], not used when ModelType = ‘UP’
- CoreRotationFreq : Core rotation frequency [muHz], this is by definition Omega/2pi*1e6 where Omega is the angular rate [rad/s], used only when ModelType = ‘UP’
- Inclination : Inclination angle [deg.]
- Enable: include [1] or not [0] the solar-like oscillations
- numax : frequency at maximum power [muHZ], used only when ModelType = ‘UP’
- delta_nu : Mean large separation [muHz], used only when ModelType = ‘UP’ , -1 if you want this parameter to be derived from a scaling relation
- DPI : Asymptotic values of the gravity mode period spacing [s], used only when ModelType = ‘UP’, -1 if you don’t want mixed modes to be included
- q : Mixed mode coupling factor, used only when ModelType = ‘UP’
- SurfaceEffects: 1 Include near-surface effects in mode frequencies, not implemented when ModelType = ‘UP’
Activity :
- Enable: include [1] or not [0] stellar activity
- Sigma : Amplitude of the activity component [ppm]
- Tau : Time-scale of the activity component [days]
Granulation :
- Enable: include [1] or not [0] stellar granulation
Transit :
- Enable: include [1] or not [0] planetary transits
- PlanetRadius : planet raidus [jupiter radii]
- OrbitalPeriod : orbilat period [days]
- PlanetSemiMajorAxis : semi major axis [A.U.]
- OrbitalAngle : orbital angle [deg]
- LimbDarkeningCoefficients: limb darkening coefficients, [0.25,0.75]