Download and installation

The latest version (1.8) can be downloaded from PyPI – the Python Package index. It can also be installed online using pip with this command:

 pip  install psls

This command only installs the program but you  will need to download the PSLS package from here. This package includes the source code, some examples of configuration files, and the binary files containing the parameters of the model mimicking the systematic errors.

PSLS requires (among other) the following python packages: numpy, scipy, matplotlib, and yaml.
As an alternative to the online installation with pip, the code can be installed manually in your home directory with the following command:

 python install --home=$HOME/

It is also possible to install the code for all the users:

 sudo python install

Edit the configuration file, an example is given in psls.yaml. Then, execute PSLS: -P -V psls.yaml

The package provides various files storing the parameters describing the PLATO systematic errors:

  • PLATO_systematics_[BOL/EOL]_V2.npy: Begining Of Life (BOL) and End Of Life (EOL) systematic errors for the P5 sample (aperture mask photometry with mask updates operating) ;
  • PLATO_systematics_[EOL/BOL]_FixedMask_V2.npy: fixed aperture mask  photometry ;
  •  PLATO_systematics_[EOL/BOL]_P1_V2.npy: systematic errors representative for the P1 sample (based on the PSF fitting method)

Older systematic errors tables (version 0) are given for compatibility and consistency with Samadi et al (2019)’s results.

To simulate solar-like oscillations  representative for a dwarf star  you will need to provide as input  a set of theoretical frequencies (the .gsm files)  generated with ADIPLS.

The package provides two working examples:

  • a main sequence star (0012069449.yaml) with its associated theoretical frequencies (0012069449.gsm) generated with the ADIPLS pulsation code. The 0012069449.gsm file is stored in the sub-directory models  ;
  • a red giant star (0009882316.yaml), which does not require as input theoretical frequencies.

To simulate other main sequence stars you can  use a grid of CESAM2K stellar models (HDF file), which you can obtain on demand by contacting Reza SAMADI.

Note that, for RGB and clump stars, the program relies on the Universal Pattern, accordingly sets of theoretical frequencies are not required for those stars.

This simulator is not an official product of the Plato Mission Consortium (PMC).If you want to simulate the representative PLATO data at pixel level, please consider PLATOSim.

PSLS  is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License  in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.

(c) 2017 by Réza SAMADI, LESIA – Observatoire de Paris.

Main contributors: Alexi Deru (LESIA), Emmanuel Grolleau (LESIA), Daniel Reese (LESIA)

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