AStroParis is the graduate school in astrophysics and space of the University Paris, Sciences & Lettres (PSL)
- AStroParis in short
– A training directly backed by research, with several periods in the PSL astrophysical labs
– Possible long internships during the Master and/or during a gap-year
– New pedagogical approaches
– A strong international opening. - English Research in astrophysics and space is mostly done in English. As a consequence, AStroParis is taught in English.
- Research All competitive projects in astrophysics conducted in PSL are used as a support for the Graduate Program.
- Majors & tracks The majors and tracks of AStroParis are designed to optimize the training through research.
- Lectures The list of lectures to be opened in September 2020 is not yet definitely established. Please refer to the 2019-2020 lectures
- Application & grants Each student applying to the graduate program AStroParis is required to present a research & education project. To prepare this project, students are asked to identify the majors they intend to choose. Before being validated, the relevance and coherence of the project are tested by the teaching team of AStroParis and modulations can be proposed.
- Interdisciplinarity AStroParis promotes interdisciplinarity, a key element in astrophysics and space science.
- Future Employability of students is a major objective of the training offered by the graduate program.