

  1. Barczynski, K; Aulanier, G; Masson, S; Wheatland, M. S; Flare reconnection-driven magnetic field and Lorentz force variations at the Sun’s surface (accepted for publication in ApJ, April 2019)  [ADS][arXiv]
  2. Barczynski, K; Peter, H; Solanki, S; Chitta L. P; Emission of solar chromospheric and transition region features related to the underlying magnetic field (2018, A&A, 619, A5)  [ADS][arXiv] [A&A]
  3. Barczynski, K.; Peter, H.; Savage, S. L., « Miniature loops in the solar corona », Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 599, id.A137, 13 pp. [ADS][arXiv] [A&A]
  4. Yan, Limei; Peter, Hardi; He, Jiansen; Tian, Hui; Xia, Lidong; Wang, Linghua; Tu, Chuanyi; Zhang, Lei; Chen, Feng; Barczynski, Krzysztof, « Self-Absorption in the Solar Transition Region », The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 811, Issue 1, article id. 48, 8 pp. (2015)[ADS][arXiv] [ApJ]
  5. Belik, M.; Barczynski, K.; Markova, E., « Dynamic of Polar Plumes Observed During 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010 Total Solar Eclipses », Solar Physics, Volume 284, Issue 2, pp.439-445 [ADS][Solar Physics]
  6. Belik, M.; Rusin, V.; Saniga, M.; Barczynski, K., « Dynamics of polar plumes observed during the total solar eclipse of August 1, 2008 », Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso, vol. 42, no. 2, p. 125-134 [ADS]


  1. Barczynski, K.; Belik, M.; Markova, E.: 2010, « Polar plumes dynamics observed during total solar eclipses », Proceedings of the 20th National Solar Physics Meeting, held 31 May – 4 June, 2010 in Papradno, Slovakia, p. 134-137;  [ADS]


  1. [May 2019] WholeSun project Kick-Off Meeting, Departement of Astrophysics of CEA, Paris-Saclay, France
    Talk: Flare reconnection driven magnetic field and Lorentz force variations at the Sun’s surface
  2. [May 2019] 2nd China-Europe Solar Physics Meeting, Hvar, Croatia
    Talk: Solar flare simulation and observations. A spatiotemporal analysis of the magnetic field, electric current density and Lorentz force
  3. [February 2019] PLAS@PAR Scientific Days, Sorbonne University, Paris, France
    Invited talk: The dynamics of the solar flares: the evolution of electric current in the flux rope footpoints.
  4. [October 2018] 2018 SDO Science Workshop, Ghent, Belgium
    Talk: Flare reconnection driven magnetic field and Lorentz force variations at the Sun’s surface.
  5. [Septembre 2018] Hinode-12, Science Meeting, Granada, Spain
    Talk: Solar flare in 3D MHD simulation. A spatiotemporal analysis of the magnetic field, electric current density and Lorentz force.
  6. [June 2018] IRIS-9 workshop, Goettingen, Germany
    Talk: A disturbance propagating from the chromosphere into a heated coronal loop
  7. [September 2017] 15th European Solar Physics Meeting, Budapest, Hungary
    Talk: Flux-flux relations as statistical proxies of unresolved structures in the solar atmosphere
  8. [June 2017] Coronal Loops Workshop VIII, Palermo, Italy
    Talk: Flux-flux relations as statistical proxies of unresolved small-loop like structures [EN]
  9. [June 2016] IRIS-6: The Chromosphere, Stockholm, Sweden
    Poster: Flux-flux relation in the solar atmosphere [EN]
  10. [November 2015] Progress on EUV and X-ray spectroscopy and imaging II, Wroclaw, Poland
    Talk: Miniature loop in solar corona [EN]
  11. [September 2015] Hinode 9 – International Science Meeting, Belfast, UK
    E-poster: Miniature loop-like structures [EN]
  12. [July 2015] Coronal Loop Workshop VII, Cambridge, UK
    Talk: Miniature coronal loops [EN]
  13. [May 2015] 36th seminar in Upice Observatory, Upice, Czech Republic
    Talk: High-resolution observations of the solar atmosphere [EN]
  14. [September 2014] 14th European Solar Physics Meeting , Dublin, Ireland
    Talk: Miniature coronal loop – a new class of loops? [EN]
  15. [September 2012] VII Polish Conference of Astronomy Students, Zielona Gora, Poland
    Talk: Solar radio astronomy research in Krakow [PL]
  16. [June 2012] XVI Bieszczady Meeting: ULF/ELF fields on Earth and in Space, Dwerniczek, Poland
    Talk: Solar polar plumes brightening during total solar eclipses in 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010 [PL]
  17. [September 2011] VI Polish Conference of Astronomy Students, Warsaw, Poland 
    Talk: Investigation of solar plumes observed during the total solar eclipse in 2008 [PL]
  18. [June 2010] 20th National Solar Physics Meeting Papradno, Slovakia 
    Talk: Polar plumes dynamics observed during total solar eclipses [EN]

Seminar talk: 

  1. [February 2019] Stanford Solar Group, Stanford University, Stanford, USA
    Seminar Talk: Seminar talk: Solar flare 3D MHD simulation and observations: a spatiotemporal analysis of the magnetic field, electric current density and the Lorentz force
  2. [December 2018] Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Ondrejov, Czech Republic
    Seminar Talk: Seminar talk: Flare reconnection driven magnetic field and Lorentz force variations at the Sun’s surface
  3. [January 2018] Seminar Solar Physics Group, Paris Observatory, Meudon, France
    Seminar Talk: Seminar talk: Small-scale structures in the upper atmosphere of the Sun
  4. [November 2017] Solar Physics Research Group, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK
    Seminar Talk: Seminar talk: Small-scale structures in the solar atmosphere
  5. [August 2017] Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Ondrejov, Czech Republic
    Seminar Talk: Small-scale structures in the upper atmosphere of the Sun [EN]
  6. [May 2015] Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University, Friday Seminar, Krakow, Poland
    Seminar talk: Miniature coronal loops – a new class of loops? [EN]
  7. [November 2013] Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos, Davos, Switzerland
    Seminar talk: Solar polar plumes [EN]


  • Ph.D. thesis, « Small-scale structures in the upper atmosphere of the Sun » [EN], [eDiss]
    University of Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany 
    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hardi Peter
  • Master thesis, « A study of velocities of solar plumes » [PL], [APD] (only abstract)
    Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland 
    Supervisor: Dr. hab. Grzegorz Michalek