
  • Posdoctoral Researcher on « Gaia ESO Survey » in the high energy team, AGO, University of Liège since October 2016.


  • PhD thesis on  »magnetic fields in massive and intermediate mass stars », under the supervision of Coralie Neiner (LESIA, Meudon, France) and Pascal Petit (IRAP, Toulouse, France) from September 2013 to September 2016.


  • Master thesis on  »Pillars and globules and their link to star-formation » under the
    supervision of Nicola Schneider (LAB, Bordeaux, France) from March to June 2013.


  • Internship  »on the extinction of oscillations in the X-ray binaries milliseconds by
    X-ray bursts » under the supervision of Didier Barret et Jean-François Olive from
    February to June 2012.