API Exoplanets

The « Action pluri-annuelle » Exoplanets of Paris Observatory aims at supporting works between scientific teams working on the study of exoplanetary systems.

Thematics supported by the API :

  • Formation and evolution of exolanetary systems
  • Circumstellar disks
  • Detection methods
  • Instrumentation
  • Star-planet interactions
  • Characterization and modeling (atmosphere, interior, surface, dynamics)
  • Habitability and biosignatures

One of the goals is to develop new activities at the interfaces, in particular for 1) synergies between methods of detection/characterization of exoplanets  and 2) the atmospheres and habitability of exoplanets (previously supported by the PSL project OCAV). The API also participate to the exercice « Exoplanètes » from the film and television school La Fémis.

The API « Exoplanets » is supported by Paris Observatory.

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