API Exoplanets

The « Action pluri-annuelle » Exoplanets of Paris Observatory aims at supporting works between scientific teams working on the study of exoplanetary systems.

Thematics supported by the API :

  • Formation and evolution of exolanetary systems
  • Circumstellar disks
  • Detection methods
  • Instrumentation
  • Star-planet interactions
  • Characterization and modeling (atmosphere, interior, surface, dynamics)
  • Habitability and biosignatures

One of the goals is to develop new activities at the interfaces, in particular for 1) synergies between methods of detection/characterization of exoplanets  and 2) the atmospheres and habitability of exoplanets (previously supported by the PSL project OCAV). The API also participate to the exercice “Exoplanètes” from the film and television school La Fémis.

The API « Exoplanets » is supported by Paris Observatory.

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