In Paris Observatory
2013-2021: Scientic director of the International Centre for Scientic Workshops of Paris Observatory (CIAS).
2010-2013: Scientic Assistant Director of CIAS.
National committees
2019-2024: Membre of scintific concil of PNST/INSU.
2015-2019: Member and scientic secretary of section CNAP.
Community service at international level
- P.I. of the project “Study of the dissipation range of solar wind turbulence”, ESA/Cluster Guest Investigator Programme 2015–2016.
- Co.-P.I. of the Cluster/STAFF instrument, since 2010.
- Co.I. of the Solar Orbiter/RPW instrument, scince 2015.
- Member of « The Space Weather and Nonlinear Waves and Processes Prize » committee of AGU, 2018.
- Co-chair with Kris Klein of Parker Solar Probe Working Group on « Kinetic Scale Turbulence », 2019.
- Co-chair with Julia Stawarz of Solar Orbiter In-Situ Working Group on « Turbulence and Waves« , since fall 2020.
Organization of international conferences
1. International workshop in honor of Andre Mangeney « Space plasmas and Astrophysics », Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, 11-14 September 2007 (member of the SOC and of the LOC).
2. Session on « Turbulence », 17th Cluster workshop, Uppsala, Sweden, 12-15 May 2009 (member of the SOC).
3. International workshop « Turbulent cascade in the solar wind: anisotropy and dissipation« , Observatoire de Paris, CIAS, Meudon, 17-21 September 2012, Chair.
4. « Solar Wind Turbulence » Meeting, Kennebunkport, Maine, USA, 4-7 June 2013 (member of the SOC).
5. « Preparation de AO ESA/M4 », Observatoire de Paris, CIAS, 24 June 2014.
6. « THOR (Turbulent Heating ObserveR) kick-off meeting », Observatoire de Paris, CIAS, 9-10 October 2014 (Chair of the LOC).
7. Session « Turbulence and Instabilities in Space Plasmas« , EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna (member of the SOC).
8. Meudon Turbulent workshop 2015 « Energy Cascade and Dissipation in Astrophysical Turbulent Plasmas« , Observatoire de Paris, CIAS, 26-29 May 2015, Chair.
9. Session « Turbulence and Instabilities in Space Plasmas« , EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna (member of the SOC).
10. Helios mini-workshop, Institut de Geophysique, Universite de Cologne, Allemagne, 27-29 June 2016 (member of the SOC).
11. Session « Turbulence and Heating in Space Plasmas « , EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna (member of the SOC).
12. Ecole de Physique des Houches, »From laboratories to astrophysics: the expanding universe of plasma physics« , 2-12 May 2017, Les Houches, France (member of the SOC and of the LOC).
13. Session « Turbulence and Heating in Space Plasmas« , EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna (member of the SOC).
14. Workshop “Non-Thermal Distributions and Turbulence in the Expanding Solar Wind”, 14-18 Mai 2018, Observatoire de Meudon au CIAS (member of the SOC and of the LOC).
15. 5th Cluster-THEMIS workshop in Chania, Crete, Greece, 24-28 September 2018 (member of the SOC).
16. Session ST1.5 “Turbulence in Space Plasmas”, EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna (member of the SOC).
17. Session ST1.5 “Turbulence and waves in space plasmas”, EGU General Assembly, avril 2021 (chair of the SOC).